Supported by CELCA
is pleased to bring you the first in a series of FREE courses
Meditation with Ian Tullis
1st March
Dry Stone Dyking with John Bell
10th & 11th May
Painting with Lynsey Macintosh
14th & 15th June
The number of places vary on each of the courses, so apply early!
Please email christinehavers2@btinternet.com to reserve your place and to get more details. Courses are open to all residents of the Cranshaws, Ellemford & Longformacus community council area
1 comment:
We’ve read your blog with interest and believe that you would be an ideal contributor to the new s1play website.
When the new s1play website launches next month it'll be all about great ideas for things to do in Scotland, submitted by people just like you. We'd love you to contribute and we are happy for you to link to your own blog from your recommendation.
We're interested in all kinds of fun things to do, for all types of people, so this is your chance to inspire others to get out and about in Scotland. And if that doesn't make you feel good inside, the fabulous prizes on offer certainly will.
We are going to shortlist 10 submissions and put it a public vote. You could win £5000 to fund a dream day out for a school or community group of your choice, plus a £1000 Red Letter Day voucher for yourself.
You can submit your ideas at www.s1play.com/recommend. Feel free to place a link to your blog from the recommendation, but we would ask that the recommendation is submitted in full. You can also include photo's or videos.
Thanks in advance for your assistance, please feel free to delete this from your comments if you feel it is innapropriate.
Kind Regards
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